Each of your pets will only get the food that is meant for it. You don't have to worry that any of them would eat something that it's not allowed to. The microchip reader reacts to the presence of the chosen pet and let's only this pet to eat the food in the bowl.
The food dispenser works with the microchip and a microchip reader. The microchip is either already under the skin of your pet, since this can only be done by a veterinarian, or you can use the collar tag SureFlap RFID. Button for the opening the lid - in case you need to, you can open the lid manually, by pushing one button.

Training programme - the bowl allows you to use a special training programme that helps you to teach your pet to use the feeder.Ideal for dogs and cats that have a prescription diet or have to take some medication.Compatibility - the microchip reader inside the SureFeed pet bowl is compatible with all known types of microchipes used for pets.The bowl has a memory for up to 32 pets - if you want to, you can comfortably feed each animal separately in its own bowl.Batteries last up to six months - it is not necessary to change them too often.Unique design - the bowl is not only very practical, byt also stylish and fits into every household.Capacity up to 400 ml - whether you feed your pet with wet or dry food, it will remain fresh inside the bowl.The food dispenser is a perfect solution for the owners of both cats and dogs. Thanks to the SureFeed bowl you don't have to worry that your pets will steal each others food anymore.

It's usually very difficult to control how much food which animal eats. It is especially useful in the households with more pets, for example if some of them has a special diet, has to take some medication or needs different food than the other pets. SureFeed is a uniqe, fully automatic pet bowl made in United Kingdom, which helps you to measure the food for all your pets. Money Back Guarantee SureFeed dispenser with microchip